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 News Archive 2020

Megan Boswell indicted on murder charges in the death of her daughter Evelyn Boswell
by Nathan'ette Burdine: August 20, 2020

Megan Boswell has finally gotten her comeuppance!

Yesterday, a grand jury in Sullivan County, Tennessee, indicted Megan Boswell on 2 counts of felony murder in the death of her 15-month-old toddler daughter, Evelyn Boswell; which also led to Judge James Goodwin raising Megan Boswell’s bond from $150,000 to $1 million.

Megan Boswell’s lawyer, Brad Sproles, became solemn upon hearing the news because not only does he have to find a way to deal with those 2 counts of murder charges, but he has 17 other charges to deal with.

There’re the child abuse charge, the child neglect charge, the messing with evidence charge, abusing a dead body charge, not telling the proper authorities about a suspicious death charge, and those 12 charges of lying to the po’ po’.

“I have not been able to speak with her recently, there have been some COVID issues at the jail. So, we’re somewhat limited in our ability to talk to folks up there. But I’ve spoken with some of the sheriff’s officers and in the new few days they’re going to try to make arrangements maybe where I can talk with her by video,” is what Brad Sproles is quoted by the WJHL folks as saying.

If some of y’all recall, Brad Sproles had recently asked the court to let Megan Boswell out of jail. Brad Sproles argued that the fact his client was only being charged with a lot of lying and not killing was enough to let her go. Sure, little Evelyn was found dead and buried in her grandfather’s, Tommy Boswell, Sr., backyard. But, that wasn’t evidence that his client was guilty of being anything other than “a lying mother who had lost her child.”

As far as Brad Sproles was concerned, a miscarriage of justice was being committed against his client because she was being held against her will for a crime, lying to the po’ po’, which would’ve gotten her a fine and maybe some probation but never any jail time. So, it was time for the state to either put up or shut up.

The state, being the state, decided to put up. Therefore, on August 19, 2020, the state presented their evidence to the grand jury for murder charges against Megan Boswell in the death of her 15-month-old toddler daughter, Evelyn Boswell.

Folks, to tell you the truth, everybody besides Megan Boswell and her lawyer, knew those murder charges were a coming. Soon after Evelyn Boswell’s remains were found in her grandfather’s backyard, Sullivan County District Attorney General Barry Staubus let everybody know that he was going to charge Megan Boswell in the death of her toddler daughter, Megan Boswell.

It’s just that all of this COVID-19 business set everybody back so to the point that the state had to wait longer than usual to give Megan Boswell the comeuppance that she would’ve gotten, back in March, after the state found her toddler daughter dead and buried and not upright and walking around with her grandmother, Angela Boswell, like Megan Boswell said she would be.

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